From Doubt To Powerhouse


Take up so much space there's no room for doubt to exist.

Attract your soulmate clients. Hit new levels of abundance and overflow. Show up with unwavering belief. Make an impact. Calibrate into the frequency of your vision and anchor it in your body and reality.…the toolbox that will revolutionize the way you hold and move with your power. 

Shift from doubt to POWERHOUSE.

From Doubt to Powerhouse is a PORTAL of expansion, deeply anchored in your body.


When you tap into the practices of this toolbox, you will be calibrating into the vibrational identity of a POWERHOUSE…which is the truth of WHO YOU ARE on a soul level. 


You will be consciously choosing YOU & YOUR GROWTH while getting the unconscious onboard.


So that you can stop being a self sabotage Sally and start being a bad ass spiritual CEO that makes big juicy moves, commanding forth your success, impact & highest timeline while having ALL parts of you in alignment with your vision.

You're committing to BECOMING this level of embodiment & holding your expansion in every atom of your being. 


Knowing that YOU belong at the table and you are part of the revolution.




No longer allowing the fear of your BIGNESS to hold you back... but rather, leading yourself THROUGH the fear so you can go next level with your soul aligned biz.


From Doubt to Powerhouse gives you all of the guided embodiment tools that you need to rewrite the story you hold in your body to fully anchor into your I AM GOLD AND I MOVE ACCORDINGLY energy.


Prance through your business with a sure as F attitude that your shit is lit and you have transformation to provide, no longer spiralling out in procrastination, doubt, and analysis paralysis mode.


Your client signing & money making switch is ON and you easily attract kindred spirits into your online space that are a joy to work with that totally vibe with you. 


Your Spirit channel is wide open, being flooded with regular tidal waves of inspo and energy for content creation and crafting your soul service.

Deets & What's Included


RELEASE TAP: Disrupt the doubt, limiting stories and constriction on the spot no matter where you are to anchor in your POWER & self-belief.

5 min guided video process


RECALIBRATE EFT TAP: Neutralize energy charges around limiting thoughts and recalibrate into empowering thoughts and beliefs. Tap this into your body so that every cell of your being is vibrating in a F YES agreeance to such! 

11 min guided video process



Connect in with your expansive vision, and find peace with where you are at now, to support you in collapsing time.

13 minute guided audio process


Through movement I take you deep into feeling, moving and expressing your pain to release it out of your cellular memory and fill you with your power, soul essence and Truth.

33 minute guided movement process via video


A 2 part breath to pull up stored emotions and traumas in the body that has been diluting your light and releasing them. This expands your capacity to hold more of your power in your house (body).

24 min guided video process


PDF GUIDE: 11 Page PDF Document to support you through each process. The visuals of this PDF help to anchor in the vibration of POWERHOUSE.


BONUS: The Root System Method

A bonus 5 page PDF to take you through a journaling process of reprogramming your subconscious mind. Stop unconsciously repelling your vision/clients and tap into your magnetism!

kim shingler

Digital Marketer

"This is the beginning of all the things that I've been manifesting coming to life. Thank you so much for your From Doubt to Powerhouse - you have given me the tools to help me break through the walls, become open to abundance and know that I'm worthy of it."

Brandie bates

Reiki Master

“The tapping is SO on point and I love the language shift. You can actually feel the energetic shift! The meditation has been an excellent tool for bringing in those AMAZING feelings of being so in alignment and filled with infinite joy of the future into the present time. This allows it to be so easily accessed It’s been a short time working with the energy and tools in this program but I already feel so much clarity, strength, vision, and a knowing of where I truly want to be and what I really want to present to the world! It’s allowed me to sink into the juiciness of it, make shifts, and start to energetically create!”

Stefanie Carlson

Soul Coach

"Just did the power embodiment flow process and DAMN girl that was amazing and beautiful!!! I saw so much, felt so much expand and move for me!"


about the creator…

Hi! I'm Mary - Soul Embodiment & Self Expression coach for female entrepreneurs, helping their confidence, content & biz go BOOM. 


I'm a plant medicine loving cowgirl, with a flare of ADHD squirrel, born & raised in the prairies of Alberta and living abroad for 5 years. After several years in Austria I now live in the Irish countryside with my sexy husband & my dog. 

We just bought our homestead where I am returning to my roots and soon enough have horses, donkeys, goats, hens & be growing my own food!

I've been in the healing & coaching industry for 5+ years. Doubt in myself, my gifts and my ability to create a successful business was my greatest teacher & was all part of me mastering my craft and becoming the level of ME & boss witch I am today. 

I did not have overnight success & a quantum leap by any means. It was a slow burn, and a lot of discomfort & learning how to be patient.

I have deep respect for strategy that holds us and gets us the results that we desire, however, I also know that without the BIG ENERGY to match it, our efforts fall flat. 

Especially in the healing & coaching industry that is quite saturated, now more than ever it is REQUIRED that we move, create & speak from 100% transparency & authenticity.

Because our soul pod clients cannot find us if we are regurgitating everybody else's energy that we picked up on our scrolls for the day. 

And if we are speaking through lenses of doubt, inadequacy and feeling unsafe to be seen & take up space, our message comes across distorted and our people just can't find us. 

I crafted this toolbox from the processes that have held me & transformed me over the years. I knew I was meant for big work, big success, big service & visibility, but I had all of these human conditioning and stories that created all of this resistance in my body to being seen & taking up the space that my soul came here to do. 

With embodiment and energy shifting practices, I could quickly override my default safety mechanisms and show up shining my bright light with the world, while being regulated AF.

Where after years of drowning in self doubt & seeing inconsistent results (due to lack of proper strategy & lack of embodiment), my business has blossomed into fully booked 1 on 1's, soul'd out launches, an online community of sisters from my soul pod loving the heck out of my social media feeds, and floods of scroll stopping content pouring through my channel.

What changed is that rather than just working on mindset tools & meditation, I started to work directly with my subconscious mind AND my nervous system.

Through the practices that I share in From Doubt to Powerhouse, I rewrote the story that my body was carrying so that the signals I was sending out into the Universe actually reflected my heart's desires, rather than a trauma imprint in my nervous system that said it wasn't safe to be seen and powerful. 


The vision of this toolbox came to me on the back of a white horse, galloping across black sand, white foam of the ocean frothing at her hooves. I received an activation from my higher self that day, expanding my capacity to hold more of my of power in my body, and in turn, do the same for others.

And so I pass the torch onto you, dear soulpreneur sis, so that you too can rewrite the story that's been held in your bones so that you expand into the YOU who has the biz of her dreams and KNOWS on every cell of her being just how LOVABLE, MAGNIFICENT, ABUNDANT, and CAPABLE she is.

Let's shatter glass ceilings, shall we?